
Vampire Pictures, Graphics and Art

Here at the Source, we’re no stranger to the archetype of the vampire and its various manifestations on the silver screen, in music and literature, and within fine art. Countless incarnations and explorations of what a vampire is, or should be, have dominated popular culture for as long as anyone alive today can remember. Vampire pictures populate websites like Pinterest and Tumblr, each year ushering in new photographers and graphic artists who render their personal take on the mythological vampire. We’d like to dedicate this article to vampire photographs, graphics and art – and the artists and photographers who continue to bring them to life.

(This post will update dynamically, as we continue to add to the gallery.)

  • A Glittering Menace: The Designs of Manuel Diaz on Haute Macabre
  • Goth romance
  • SISTERS OF THE BLACK MOON :: DISIR    http://www.facebook.com/sistersoftheblackmoon
  • Vespere Vintage
  • dutch golden age Tim Walker
  • toni-garrn-by-txema-yeste-for-numcero-china-34-november-2013-2  | Haute macabre | dark fashion | high fashion editorial | obscure
  • Machinefairy
  • Stefan Gesell Photography
  • Behind the Scenes “Time Cast” Editorial for Zink Magazine by Lindsay Adler, Model: Chelsea from Major Models
  • I don't like her lips but everything else is great
  • from Robert Wun‘s “Last Breathe”  collection, zip ties (found on the Haute Macabre Blog)
  • Haute  macabre | high fashion | goth | editorial | dark fashion
  • Art and Alliteration in the Land of Tomorrow
  • Haute Macabre
  • deadlyart
  • I would like to fly out of my head, but that is out of the question. - Anne Sexton
  • Model:Dana Mostek, Photographer/Costume/Make Up:Agnieszka Jopkiewicz
  • "Danse Macabre" series by Creative Director: Casey Cooper / Photographers: Aaron Simpson & Eliza Kinchington

We invite you to join us not only on Pinterest, but Facebook and Tumblr as well, for all the latest offerings. Finally, we encourage you to let us know if you have any favorites, or are an artist yourself. If you’d like to promote your own vampire pictures and art here on The Vampire Source, and through our social media channels, please contact us at thevampiresource [at] gmail [dot] com for more information.

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